This comprehensive curriculum addresses the general misconception of what science is and what science is not and explores the importance of understanding this misconception, especially as it relates to the study of our origins. As a result of not understanding what science truly is, many Christians fear the concept of 'science', wrongly assuming that it only supports secular ideologies. Only after we resolve this fear of the unknown can we start to understand and study the evidence available in the Creation vs secular naturalism argument of origins. With the 'science' stigma removed, the inaccuracies, incompleteness and misconceptions of three primary secular ideologies: 'big bang', 'evolution' and 'age of the earth' can be effectively demonstrated. The big bang could not possibly have happened, random mutation cannot lead to advantageous evolution and the earth is not 4.5 billion years old. Clearing up these three confusing secular ideologies then allows for open study and understanding of Biblical explanations of Creation. Scripture contains all the explanation we need, from the origins of time to what we see and experience today. From the beginnings of the big bang, to what we have today, by the end of these courses, the audience will see that secular naturalism (or atheism) is nothing more than just another false (or empty) religion. Only God's Glorious Living Word contains the Truth of our origins.